
Jan. 14, 2021

The Stock Market is Causing the Bubbles

"When speculation is running rampant, as I believe it currently is, people stop thinking about the future and only think about today." - Michael Batnick For more visit: The Irrelevant Investor For disclosure information plea…
Jan. 12, 2021

Eventual Failure of False Belief Systems

"What is the penalty for being wrong? It is a surprisingly complicated question." - Barry Ritholtz For more visit: The Big Picture For disclosure information please visit: https://ritholtzwealth.com/blog-disclosures/ Learn m…
Jan. 11, 2021

Two Simple Rules For Building Real Wealth

"Simple beats complex in investing and life." - Tony Isola For more visit: A Teachable Moment For disclosure information please visit: https://ritholtzwealth.com/blog-disclosures/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit mega…
Jan. 8, 2021

When an Asset Goes Out of Style

"As with any ‘investment’ you need to go in with your eyes wide open and recognize that what you are doing is risky. Tastes change." - Tadas Viskanta For more visit: Abnormal Returns For disclosure information please visit: …
Jan. 6, 2021

Lock It In

"I might take a lot of heat for writing this, but I’m going to write it anyway. If you’ve made life-changing money in one or more of the high flying stocks this year, it’s time to lock in some gains." - Blair duQuesnay For m…
Jan. 5, 2021

A Short History of Chasing the Best Performing Fund

"Vanguard and iShares basically killed the star mutual fund manager in recent decades." - Ben Carlson For more visit: A Wealth of Common Sense For disclosure information please visit: https://ritholtzwealth.com/blog-disclosu…
Dec. 31, 2020

What if You Only Invested at Market Peaks?

"Regardless of which risky asset classes you have in your portfolio, as this post illustrates, buying near all-time highs should not be a cause for concern." - Nick Maggiulli For more visit: Of Dollars and Data For disclosur…
Dec. 30, 2020

How to Avoid Bear Markets

"There’s a very simple way to avoid bear markets. What you do is pull all of your money out of the stock market and just let it accumulate in your bank account." - Josh Brown For more visit: The Reformed Broker For disclosur…
Dec. 23, 2020

A Recovery Squandered

"The biggest issue: the failure of Congress to pass the broadest stimulus package in the depths of the GFC. Sure, they rescued the banks, but they hardly did very much for the rest of the economy." - Barry Ritholtz For more …
Dec. 22, 2020

"Take All Your Common Stocks And Sell Them"

"Had you followed Fred Schwed’s maxim for dying rich, you’d have been out of stocks long ago. And yes, you’d have watched them grow and grow and grow again in value. " - Josh Brown For more visit: The Reformed Broker For dis…
Dec. 21, 2020

This Is Not The Way

"It feels like every day, I’m getting an email or a text from people outside the investing world asking me about speculative securities." - Michael Batnick For more visit: The Irrelevant Investor For disclosure information p…
Dec. 20, 2020

Cape 2020 vs 1929

"One of the things that market analysts love to do is to compare recent market action with some prior historical era, and declare “The market today is just like ____.” Recall the 1987 parallels a few years ago or the more re…
Dec. 19, 2020

How Are Normal People Supposed To Save For Retirement?

"Retirement investors needing the most help often get the least. Or worse!" - Tony Isola For more visit: A Teachable Moment For disclosure information please visit: https://ritholtzwealth.com/blog-disclosures/ Learn more abo…
Dec. 18, 2020

Asset Destruction

"For most of us who need life insurance, term life insurance will suffice. Term life insurance is cheap, easy to buy, and provides coverage for a set number of years. If you live past the term, you will no longer have life i…
Dec. 17, 2020

My 2020 Investing Lessons

"It’s counterintuitive that the best returns would come from investing when the economy is getting body-slammed but being uncomfortable when investing is typically a good sign." - Ben Carlson For more visit: A Wealth of Comm…
Dec. 16, 2020

Airbnb and DoorDash Showcase Best and Worst of Uber

"We have all heard “the next Uber” used to describe any hot company; each of this week’s hot IPOs — Airbnb and DoorDash — fit the description.: Both took a page from Uber when designing their own business models. One of them…
Dec. 14, 2020

The Most Important Assumption

"Americans are living longer but not necessarily working longer. This means that retirement periods are longer. Retirees today must plan for their portfolio to sustain withdrawals for 20 or 30 years. " - Blair duQuesnay For …