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My wife calls them my best friends
Animal Spirits has grown into one of my favorite podcasts. I appreciate the balanced, non-exaggerated look at the market along with genuine and honest reflections on l family and life. Not to mention the best movie reviews out there. I’m literally watching severance because of Animal Spirits. I always talk about them to my wife and now she calls them my best friends. As a mid-30s male I am sure I am not alone in that sentiment.

No time wasted
Very informative show done by people who love this stuff. Just like the rest of us that listen to them. Having one person on the East Coast and the other in the Midwest, you’re able to relate to every day life across the entire country. Your takes on movies, books, and opinions are also informative. Short, sweet, and the point. You are definitely not wasting your time listening to this podcast. Time well spend. Definitely worth listening to.

The best finance podcast, hands down
I’ve learned more from these guys than anyone else in 16 years in financial services. They just get it. Informative, funny and thoughtful.

Fed Governor and crypto bro face off
Ben and Michael are great, even though Ben works for the Fed and Michael knows who Satoshi is.

Informative and Hilarious
The hosts manage to give great information, giving technical ideas but keeping it listenable, and very funny at the same time with personal anecdotes and observations. They don’t act like they know everything, though they are clearly very smart, and are so excited to bring up new ideas and people from the field to share their ideas and products.

After listening for more than a year, I still feel that surge of excitement when a new pod is posted!

Can get redundant but solid podcast
I enjoy the chemistry from the pair. Hope they mix up the content more, most shows are about housing, fed, inflation, or alternative investments.

My 6 am energy drink
Love the energy that both of you bring to this pod. It peps me up to hear the two of you duke it out on pertinent topics that are top of mind. Keep on doin it!!!

Fun and informative
These guys are fun to listen to, give you something to think about and have good guests (Prince, Lindzon). Lindzon was awesome. Even when they are BSing, their dynamic is fun to just listen to.

Love(d) the show, but…
… too much crypto. Used to listen to shows in their entirety, but if crypto convo lingers, I move on to other podcasts.

Enough with the Crypto
Guys- as a long time follower, hard to hear you spend the majority of time on crypto and NFTs- yawn

Fun, light
Fun, light finance banter.

These two are much more fun than that blowhard Reformed Broker dude. 😏

A true unicorn - this fast-paced paced, intelligent and thought provoking podcast rises far above anything I’ve subscribed to in the past 10+ years, from a listener who normally has over 25 finance titles active in my queue. The innovative format is a much needed breath of fresh air in the space. Kudos!!

My favorite!
My favorite podcast! Love the interesting guests and investing talk but also the book and movie reviews. Keep up the great work!

Top notch
These guys are absolutely awesome with incredible content and guests.

Best financial Podcast.
Ben and Michael you guys do tremendous job. Thank you for your time and all hard work you put in creating content like this.

They never talk about animals
They do a good job talking about money though

Highly recommend
Look forward to new episodes every Wednesday!

Came for Investing, Stayed for Dad Jokes
Michael and Ben have something special, they are so good at discussing topics in impartial ways without being too heavy handed. Sometimes I wish they would be more opinionated but that isn’t always the most useful thing when discussing matters of fact that can be interpreted differently, they do a very good job of checking their bias at the door. Start listening you won’t regret it.

Best Finance Podcast Ever Created
I’ve listened to more financial podcasts than I can count and this one is by far the best. If you’re looking to stay informed on financial markets or become a better investor you have to listen to these guys. Their information is so high quality I can’t believe it’s not behind a pay wall. Listen to one episode and you will never turn back.

My favorite investing/financial podcast
I absolutely love listening to this podcast. Michael and Ben know what they are talking about, have a great sense of humor and don’t take themselves too seriously. I’m in the wealth management industry and listen to stay up on what is happening and interesting in the economy, the markets and financial innovation. Keep up the great work!

Good show… especially about what not to do
I enjoy listening to the show. My main interest is hearing what Micheal has to say and to NOT follow his advice. He was wrong on Tesla, wrong on Bitcoin, wrong on the V shape recovery, wrong on Uber, wrong on Apple, wrong on GME, etc…

The Best
Love this podcast. Helped me stay sane during the pandemic. I could listen to Michael and Ben all day. Great content, I just wish there were more each week to listen to (“talk your book” doesn’t count lol).

Great constant but the cursing is a bit over the top

Great new logo!
Love the bull and the bear

Great show!
Michael and Ben, hosts of the Animal Spirits podcast, highlight all aspects of investing and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!

Michael and Ben rock
Week to week this is consistently great! Love the Wednesday show the best, though the guys have had really interesting guests on the Friday show. Also I might even be learning something new every week. Keep up the great work!

These guys are clowns…
… But in my circles that’s a huge compliment. I’ve been in the asset management business for 20+ years and when I listen to the show, and I do so religiously, I feel like I’m chatting with colleagues… Needless to say that’s been missing in my professional life for the past year. Thanks Michael and Ben for exploring interesting and timely topics in an entertaining way. Keep up the good work! Update: Dodgeball overrated Ben? That comment is worth at least a one star downgrade. I’m starting to wonder if Batnick’s shoulders are getting tired... Another Dodgeball slight Ben? I may be outgrowing you. Time to upgrade. Thank goodness for Michael. PS, sounds like you have a broken Peloton.

Best finance podcast
As a young 22 years old, this podcast is not only enjoyable it’s informative. Of all the finance podcasts I listen to this is #1